Boot Camp: Day 4
Anatomy of Your 'Mouse Trap':
How To Capture More Leads
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“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself”

- Peter Drucker
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Watch Day 4 Lesson Above or Read Text Version Below:
Today we talk about building the doorway to your online network marketing empire.

In online marketing, there's a special kind of webpage which will entice thousands of people to start sending you their contact information, so you can do the very thing you want to do:

Sell your products, services and opportunity to people who want to hear about what you have to say and buy what you have.

This specific type of webpage is called a "capture page" (a.k.a. "squeeze page" or "gateway page").

The page that allowed you to receive this valuable boot camp is an example of a capture page at work.

The audience who comes to the capture page is given two choices:

1. Give you their information and opt-in, in exchange for valuable information

- OR -

2. Get out

That's it. Choose 1) or 2) - very straightforward.

This seems a bit harsh, but let's rehash the all-important marketing principle I presented earlier - the money is in the list. No list = No money.

You cannot create a relationship with your audience or tell them about what you have, if you don't know their name and don't have their contact information. Hence... get their information or politely invite them to leave.

In the case of Tempur-Pedic™, I had no problem giving up my info for a "piece of cheese" and some information so you know it works.
Components of a Capture Page
Now, let's talk about the components of the capture page and what makes it successful.

First, realize that most people surfing the web will spend no more than a few seconds judging if a webpage contains any content worth sticking around for. These folks are "back-button happy". Therefore, your capture page must engage their interest and convey your message within a few seconds.

Second, realize that people make buying decisions based on emotions... then they back up that decision with logic.

Your capture page must trigger that emotion - invoke a desire to want to opt-in and the curiosity to see what it's on the other side. Your capture page has to make it brainlessly-simple for them to logically conclude that it'd be silly not to!

And you must do this in a very limited amount of space...

Let's break down our sample capture page really quick and give you a crash course on the components.
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Now understand, this is all I can fit into one newsletter and is by no means, in-depth training. (That's what the Attraction Marketing Formula is for).

However this should give you an idea on how it works:

1. First, the preamble headline (qualifies your reader)
If you look at, you'll notice black bold print in 12pt font, right above the headline. This is an example of a preamble headline.

This usually poses an "if" question: "If you are looking for..."

2. Headline
Invokes an emotional response makes them continue reading.

The headline is the most important part of you capture page. This will determine if you reader moves on to reading the rest of the page. Invoking emotional responses or the desire for benefit/pleasure is the most effective way to write a headline. The details will come later. Focus on providing benefits in your headline.

3. Sub-headline (Optional - Not Shown in Example)
Builds the emotional response, builds anticipation, & directs the reader to take action. Expands on the headline.

4. Bullet Points (Optional)
Benefit driven bullets -- what's the difference between a feature and a benefit? The answer to this can make or break your capture page. (More on this on Day 8)

You can view bullets as mini-headlines, which invoke desire and makes the reader take action.

5. Opt-in Box
Form fields for the reader to submit their information. This where the reader takes action towards receiving more information. Keep it simple -- name, email and maybe phone number.

6. Bribe
The Cheese - What you are offering in exchange for their information? Sometimes in a very competitive market you may need to provide more valuable information.

Offer a bonus or bribe for their information. This could be an ebook, software, a "secret way to make money" or in my case, a 10-Day AMF Bootcamp.

Your Homework

That's it for today. Your job today is to browse the internet and look at capture pages from successful internet marketers so you know what I'm referring to. Here are a few good working examples:

Note: Keep in mind that some these pages below are targeting other marketers, so they tend to be a bit "amped up". For more commercial markets, your presentation would be more toned down. Also keep in mind that despite their "ugly-ness", some of these pages have opt-in rates of 30% - 60% and have been tested extensively.

Attraction Marketing Formula (Target: Network Marketers):

Elite Marketing Pro (Target: People Who Want to Make Money):

10 Minute Traffic Machine (Target: Internet Marketers Wanting Traffic):

Ultimate List Building System (Target: Internet Marketers Wanting to Build a List):

Tomorrow, I will show you how to build a relationship with your capture page subscribers to turn them into believers of your opportunity and products.

To "Capturing" More Prospects,
Ferny Ceballos
Your Attraction Marketing Coach

P.S. To skip ahead and get the most comprehensive internet recruiting course for network marketers, grab your copy of The Attraction Marketing Formula!
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