Each of the newsletters has a tasteful plug for your "front-end" offer.
Your front end will serve to offset any advertising cost, (unless, you use free exposure methods - in which case, you make a profit right away!)
This 'front-end' offer will provide even more value, educate and sell them on the next step which is to JOIN YOU!
You must market your front-end product in such a way that it becomes a no-brainer to purchase. It needs to be low-risk and a low-commitment purchase for the buyer.
This front-end offer must be relatively low cost, be of extremely high value, and, just like your newsletters, must over-deliver.
Remember, your prospects will be judging you and your primary opportunity based on the 'front-end' product. Your credibility is on the line.
This self-funded process is what's missing from most home businesses.
When your prospects pay for your marketing, regardless of whether they join you primary opportunity or product, you're always ahead.
Like the Magic Slot Machine, you will want to reinvest your front-end profits right back into your marketing campaign to generate even MORE leads, create MORE prospects, and give yourself an opportunity to always be recruiting more people.